Code of Practice on Complaint Handling and Dispute Resolution for Small Customers

RingCentral UK LTD (hereafter “RingCentral”) is a provider of cloud voice communications, video meetings and collaboration solutions to business customers.

RingCentral’s communications and customer engagement services are mainly developed on our cloud platform solution. While we may not produce all the components of our services ourselves, we take responsibility for the services we provide to you, so we will consult with our vendors to ensure that any problems with their services are resolved promptly.

We are committed to ensure that our customers are happy with the services and products they receive from us. However, despite our best efforts, we understand that things can go wrong. We take customer complaints very seriously, and we aim to resolve them quickly and efficiently.

If you have a complaint about any part of our services, please contact our Customer Experience Team using one of the following:

  • by email: send an email to our dedicated email address, indicating your customer ID and the complaint that you are raising. We ask you to detail as much as possible your query.
  • by phone: 0800 014 8091
    You will speak with the RingCentral Customer Experience Team that will identify the issue and will try to resolve the issue or direct you to the right part of the business.
  • by letter to: RingCentral UK Ltd, Level 3, 5 Aldermanbury Square, London EC2V 7HR.
    You can send a letter to our registered office, indicating your customer ID and the issue you are experiencing or the complaint that you are raising. We ask you to detail as much as possible your query.

Please note that complaints submitted by post will take longer to acknowledge than all other contact methods. If you make your complaint in writing, we will acknowledge receipt, advise how and when we will next respond and provide you with a contact point for checking progress on the resolution of your complaint.

We will place our best effort to resolve your complaint quickly and to keep you informed at all times. We normally aim to resolve complaints within 5 working days but, depending on the nature of the complaint, this is not always possible.

However, if you are not happy with progress in resolving your complaint you can ask the person to whom you are speaking to escalate the matter. If we cannot resolve the problem, we will write to you to say so.

If it has been more than 8 weeks from the date you first contacted us to complain or you have received a letter from us saying that your complaint has reached “deadlock”, then you may ask for help from the CISAS Communication & Internet Services Adjudication Scheme (details below):

CISAS Communication & Internet Services Adjudication Scheme
100 St. Paul's Churchyard,
London EC4M 8BU
United Kingdom email:

CISAS is an independent organization which is approved by Ofcom to provide an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) service.

Ofcom-approved ADR services sort out disputes between communications providers and their small business customers. Their job is to investigate complaints fairly by listening to both sides of the story. They look at the facts given to them before recommending any action that may be needed to put things right.